
Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Baby P

Some things make me feel sick.

This weekend I dont know if it was something I ate, or someone I touched. Whatever it was, I was contaminated and spent most of Saturday night and all day Sunday on, over or under the toilet!

Last week, what made me feel sick was the rash of stories about children being abused by parents or their friends here in the UK. "Baby P" as the story has been known, involved the brutalisation and systematic abuse of a little boy at the hands of his mother and, in particular, her boyfriend. Of course, what has made the whole thing worse was the fact that the child was under the watch of the local authority children's services, and ultimately the wrong decisions were made, which led to baby p's death.

Getting involved in such cases and situations can be both frightening and costly. Often, as the church, we want to help, but feel we can do so little.

The alternative to doing something is, however, doing nothing. If such abuse makes you feel sick, then the only righteous response is to get involved. "If salt loses its saltiness it is only good to be thrown on the fire" said Jesus. In other words, either I make a difference where I am, because I get involved, or I am good for nothing!

Our church has recently taken a step of faith to appoint a Family worker. The needs are huge, and perhaps you may ask "what difference can one make?" I have been overwhelmed by the support of the local schools and others to give support and training for our new worker. I am hopeful that we can make a huge impact in the community where we live. Salt needs to be applied to bring healing and savour to a broken and desperate world.

Maybe we wont make a huge difference, but then again, the alternative to doing someting is to do nothing.

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